"Where finding employment is the focus"

The School To Work Alliance Program Works In Conjunction With The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

What is SWAP?
The School-to-Work Alliance Program (SWAP) assists young adults with mild to moderate needs in employment to become competitively employed and to achieve successful community outcomes. SWAP is a collaborative initiative between:
‣ Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
‣ Local school districts and Boards of Cooperative Education Services
‣ Colorado Department of Education
‣ Area Businesses
‣ Young adults wanting to participate in today’s workforce
Our Young Adults . Our Community . Our Jobs .
Working with SWAP is both an effective business decision and a contribution to the development of the youth in our community. We take care of job skills training, job coaching when needed, pre-screening, You're not only taking care of business but helping develop the youth in our community! Our young adults are the future. Give them the chance to prove their potential.
Benefits of Hiring Youth
- Contribute to positive outcomes for youth
- Gain immediate access to an untapped diverse workforce
- Youth employment is a great way to address current staffing needs
- Engaging in youth employment programs will provide good PR for your company
- Job candidates from youth employment programs will have already received skills and work-readiness training that prepares them for success at your company.
- Introducing young workers to your field today will help build your industry's workforce of tomorrow.
- Receive incentives for hiring special targeted populations such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.
What Employers Can Do
- Hire youth
- Host an unpaid intern/subsidized youth work placement or "job shadow."
- Paid work experience
- Be a guest speaker
- Establish work-based internships
- Serve as a mentor
- Participate in local workforce system meetings, forums, workshops, etc.
How Youth Benefit
- Acquire a competitive edge through useful marketable skills
- Gain valuable work experience
- Early practice in learning time management skills and strong work habits
- Obtain a greater awareness of options for future employment, careers and professional development
- As a business partner you play a vital role in shaping and developing our future workforce!